Clothing Photography
Includes five shotsLayflat Most Popular!
Includes five shotsGhost Mannequin
Includes five Ghost Mannequin shotsCall us on 07989557797
High quality clothing photography converts browsers into buyers!
You only get one chance to make a first impression. It has been proven that high-quality clothing images will convert browsers buyers.
Your garments take center stage whilst a white or colored background provides a clean contrast required for e-commerce websites.
Our advanced camera and photography techniques will make sure your garments stands out from your competitors.
We provide professional images using the different techniques below.
Your clothing is shot on a flat background of any color of your choice. Choose from a more relaxed look or stretched flat.
Your garments are photographed on a mannequin and background of your choice.
Ghost mannequin
The ghost mannequin photographic technique creates images that appear if the clothing is being worn by an invisible person. An enhanced version of the normal mannequin-style - helps your client view the shape of the garment when it is worn whilist viewing linings and other garment features.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page for a visual glossary of photographic terms used.

Product photography visual glossary
You may have noticed a many different terms used to describe different kinds of product photography. Below is a visual glossary describing the differnt looks and styles of photography we can use to create high quality images that will help your products sell.
White Background

The most popular product photography style has a pure white background without any shadow. These images need further photoshop work.
Hero Shot

The 'Hero' shot typically has more advanced lighting with a colored background. Photoshop is used to further enhance the image.These shots help your product to stand out.
Creative Product

The next step up from the 'Hero' shot is the 'Creative Product'. These are typically special effect shots with multiple images carefuuly edited in photohop.
Lifestyle studio

With the Lifestyle Studio we create a small set in the studio which needs minimal post production work. Different backgrounds and textures can be used.

Similar to the white background but with a added reflection. Depending on the product we can shoot either with a reflective surface or add the reflection in photoshop.
Transparent Background

Sometimes a transparent background is needed to overlay a image. We can supply products with a transparent background as a png file.
Ghost Mannequin

The Ghost Mannequin effect is applied if you want to give the appearance of the garment being worn as if by a invisible person. Advance shooting and photoshop techniques are used.
Lifestyle in-situ

Context is often important to a product shot. Showing a product which either shows the product being used or in a environment which adds visual context.